

Recording studio in the heart of Aalborg.

We always have fresh coffee brewing.

The heart of the studio is our control room. Dominated by old-school analogue equipment combined with modern hardware and software from recognized brands such as:

Neumann, Steinway, UAD, Neve, AGK, Fender , Martin, DPA, AEA, Shure, GK.

The main recording room have all your heart might desire including old Vox and Fender amplifiers as well as our 1896 Steinway & Sons B211 grand piano.

The secondary recording room is ideal for isolating acoustic instruments or vocals during full band recording sessions.

All gear in the studio is at your free disposal.

We also offer both mixing and mastering for your projects whether or not your recording has been done in-house.


Mixing is an essential part of the music production process, as it involves balancing and refining the various elements of a song to create a cohesive and pleasing sound. A good mix can make a huge difference in the overall impact and enjoyment of a song, and it is the result of careful attention to detail and a keen ear for balance and clarity.

So, what makes a good mix? Here are some key characteristics we consider when mixing your song:

  • Clarity: Each element of the song should be clearly audible and distinct from the others. This means that the vocals should be clearly audible over the instruments, and the instruments should not conflict with each other in the mix.
  • Balance: The relative volume levels of each element should be balanced in a way that creates a cohesive and pleasing sound. This means that the vocals should not be too loud or too quiet, and the same goes for the instruments.
  • Dynamics: The mix should have a good balance of loud and quiet elements, with a natural ebb and flow to the song. This helps to keep the listener engaged and helps the song feel more dynamic and interesting.
  • Frequency balance: The mix should have a good balance of low, mid, and high frequencies, with each element occupying its own frequency range and not conflicting with other elements. This helps to create a full and well-rounded sound.
  • Stereo imaging: The mix should have a sense of width and depth, with elements placed in the stereo field in a way that enhances the overall sound. This can help to create a sense of space and dimension in the mix.

In addition to these technical considerations, a good mix should also be able to convey the emotion and intent of the song. It should be appropriate for the genre and style of the music, and it should be pleasing to listen to. A mix that achieves all of these goals will help the song sound its best and be more enjoyable to listen to.

Studie I Aalborg, pladestudie, Lydstudie, Musikstudie, Aalborg

Musikstudie / Lydstudie i hjertet af Aalborg

Vi varetager opgaver som Produktion, Indspilning, Livesions, Promo Foto, Mixing, Mastering, Audio Cleanup/ LYD Restoration, Voiceover Recording samt Udgivelser.

Vi vil gerne byde velkommen i vores indspilnings og postproduktions studie i Aalborg, et pladestudie hvor kunstneriske ambitioner bliver til virkelighed.

Musik studiet i Aalborg er bygget op omkring vores controlroom med ophold, hvorfra der er frit udsyn til vores primære liveroom samt vores mindre sekundære afskærmede "boks".

Studiet råder over udstyr lige fra vores Steinway & Sons B211 flygel fra 1896 og analog Pult, til topmoderne Avid Carbon Interface, personlig digital monitorcontroller til hver musiker og alt der imellem, alt udstyr er til fri afbenyttelse.

Vores Ydelser kort fortalt


Sidder du/i med et nummer, eller måske ligefrem med et album som i gerne vil have et sæt ekstra ører på før indspilning? Hvis svaret er ja, så er vi klar til at tage producerhatten på og komme med relevant og fagligt funderet feedback. Talrige produktion, indspilninger, mixes og en konservatorie baggrund, sikre en stor musikalsk balast og genre alsidighed. Produktionsøver kan ske i studiets lokaler, eller hos jer i jeres øvelokale. Musikstudiet ligger i Aalborg.


Vi sidder klar til hjælpe med at mixe dit nummer. Med stor erfaring i mange forskellige genre sidder vi klar til at mixe dine/jeres spor.

Mixing er en dialog mellem mix-engineer og artisten, en dialog vi tager meget alvorligt for at netop dit musikalske budskab træder frem i din musik. Hvis det ønskes kan mix revisioner foretaget i vores studie i Aalborg.


Sidder du med er færdigt mix er mastering det naturlige næste skridt i processen mod udgivelse. I mastering får din musik et sæt "friske ører" og eventuelle problemer i mixet vil blive italesat. Helheden bliver poleret og optimeret til kommerciel konkurencedygtig udgivelse. Uanset niveau på mixet er mastering uundværlig, det er sidste chance for at tjekke for detaljer man i mixet har lyttet sig blind på. I mastering er det nummeret som helhed der er i fokus.

- Livesession

Livessesions er en effektiv måde at promovere livemusik på. Ved en livesession forstås en  live indspilning som optages på lyd og billede. 

Vi har i The Hideout Studio gennem årene lavet et utal af livesessions , hvor vi med vores stemningsfulde omgivelser og håndholdte kamera “fanger nuet” i musikken. Livessesions er en effektiv måde at få sit musikalske budskab ud til et større publikum, samt kan give en fordel i forbindelse med bookinger da spillestederne og publikum kan se jer spille live i vores musikstudie.

-Audio Cleanup/ LYD Restoration

Sidder du med et lydspor med støj? Uhensigtsmæssige mislyde? Knitren? Host fra publikum? Dårlig optaget podcast? 

Listen med problemer kan være lang, men vi står klar til at hjælpe, ved hjælp af den nyeste teknologi er det muligt at redde mange optagelser. Vi har erfaringen der kræves for at udbedre mange problemer i dine optagelser.

- Voiceover Recording

På trods af at vi er et musikstudie har vi stor erfaringer med optagelse af voiceover, lige fra reklamespots for internationale virksomheder, præsentationsvideoer for bands / artister,  præsentation af forskningsresultater og podcasts.

Om du er helt grøn på området, eller professionel voice actor, er vi klar til at optage og post producere tale.


1 day in the studio.

1 day in the HIdeout studio. 10 hours All recording sessions are run by fully qualified engineer

Price example: 3.500 DKK (VAT incl. so no VAT will be added to the total cost.)


1 hour studio time All recording sessions are run by fully qualified engineer

Price example: 450 DKK (VAT incl. so no VAT will be added to the total cost.)


Mixing pr song 3.000 DKK.

Price example: 3.000 DKK (VAT incl. so no VAT will be added to the total cost.)


Mastering pr song 500 kr. 2 revisions included in the price Before mastering please be prepared to answer the following questions : * What is the intended release format and medium (CD, vinyl, iTunes, DVD-A etc.)? * What is the final track sequence/order of songs? * What track is going to be the first (second...) single? * What track is your favorite mix in terms of sound? * Is there a commercial CD release you would like me to use as a sonic guideline/example of sound you like? * Any special requests: e.g. fades, edits. * Any known issues: e.g. clicks, pops, noise to be removed. ![]()

Price example: 500 DKK (VAT incl. so no VAT will be added to the total cost.)

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